Evaluation of environmental impacts for the bogie of electric motor unit(EMU) using simplified life cycle assessment(S-LCA)

간략화된 전과정 평가를 이용한 전동차 대차의 환경영향 진단

  • Published : 2005.12.01


In this study, the environmental impacts of a bogie in the electric motor unit(EMU) were evaluated quantitatively using simplified life cycle assessment(S_LCA). Target was the bogie and life cycle inventory(LCI) database for the bogie was established. The software used for simplified LCA was PASS. Environmental impacts with the parts of the bogie were dependent on their weight significantly. Among impact categories, abiotic resource depletion(ARD) and global warming(GW) were shown dominantly. Global warming was occurred mainly due to the emission of CO₂released from energy consumption and abiotic resource depletion was caused mostly by the consumption of iron ore for the manufacturing of steel. Therefore, the environmental impacts of the bogie could be reduced by the light-weighting of EMU and the improvement of energy efficiency.



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