서울~천안간 전철 개통후 일반철도 수요변화 분석

New Electrified Rail Impact on Conventional Railroad ; An Empirical Analysis

  • 발행 : 2005.12.01


This study analyzed changes of train operation between Seoul~Cheonan after the introduction of new electrified rail in 2005. As expected number of passengers were reduced at specific service section and several railroad stations which were served by the Mugunghwa. Also, the statistic shows that passenter demand concentrated in a specific time, so train service frequency and level of service need to be modified to meet with changed demand pattern. The purpose of this paper is to identify critical demand pattern, especially, in several section of the railroad system. This studies provide a railroad transportation system that is significantly more efficient, with far greater capacity, by providing solutions to the problems of congestion impact.



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