Optimal Investment of Capacity and Production Planning of Flexible Manufacturing Technology Considering Economies of Scope

범위의 경제를 고려한 유연생산기술의 최적 용량투자 및 생산계획

  • Lee, Deok-Joo (College of Mechanical and Industrial Systems Engineering, Kyung Hee University)
  • 이덕주 (경희대학교 기계.산업시스템 공학부)
  • Published : 2005.06.30


This study addresses the problem of flexible technology acquisition in a multi-product market when demands are uncertain. We confine the concept of flexibility to the ability of manufacturing system to produce a number of different types of products, called a product-mix flexibility type. And an analytical model in which the economies of scope are incorporated explicitly as a feature of flexible technology is presented to find the optimal investment decision to acquire flexible technology and optimal production planning. The characteristics of optimal investment strategy related to capacity and production planning are discussed.



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