The Difference in Severity and Frequency of Classroom Discipline Problems Between Male and Female Students in Middle School Classrooms

중학교 남·여 학급간 학급 훈육문제의 심각성과 빈도의 차이

  • Received : 2005.01.15
  • Accepted : 2005.03.02
  • Published : 2005.04.30


The purpose of this study is to investigate various kinds of discipline problems in middle school classrooms, and the differences in severity and frequency of the classroom discipline problems between male and female students' classrooms in middle schools. This study shows that the discipline problems in the middle school classrooms include using a cellular phone, chattering, sleeping, chewing gum, reading comic books, asking useless questions, challenging a teacher, fighting, calling names, skipping class, throwing trash in the classroom, breaking classroom equipment, creating disorder, losing materials, playing with a ball in the classroom, gambling, and so on. Generally, male students recognized the severity of the classroom discipline problems more than the female students. However, it is shown that the frequency of discipline problems in male students' classrooms is higher than that in female students' classrooms. From the results of this study, male students have more active discipline problems (playing with a ball in the classroom, throwing trash in the classroom, coming to class late, gambling, cutting in line, and so on). On the other hand, female students have more passive discipline problems (making a noise by using a cellular phone, asking useless questions, sending messages to a classmate, studying other subjects, scattering, and so on).



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