Sole reconstruction should consider both functional and aesthetic aspects; durable weight bearing surface, adequate contour for normal footwear, protective sensation and solid anchoring to deep tissue to resist shearing. The anterolateral thigh perforator free flap has such favorable characteristics as long pedicle, reliable perforators and minimal donor site morbidity. This flap can be safely thinned to 3-4 mm. It can also be elevated with sufficient bulk with muscles like vastus lateralis for complex defect. Between June 2002 and December 2004, 48 cases of sole reconstruction were performed with anterolateral thigh perforator free flaps. Follow up period ranged from 4 to 34 months with a mean of 14.7 months and with exception of one case, all flaps survived. One case of total flap loss was noted due to infection in a patient who was administered lifetime immunosuppressant. Partial necroses developed in three cases but were treated conservatively. Satisfactory aesthetic and functional results were achieved and acceptable gait recovery was noted. Seventy-eight percent of the patients regained protective sensation by 6 months and earlier sensory recovery was noted in sensate flap group. The authors also present a standardized protocol for preoperative patient evaluation and postoperative management and rehabilitation.