임해도시 실업계 고등학교 학생의 해양환경에 대한 관심과 개선방안

Concern and Improvement of the Ocean Environment by Vocational High School Students in a Seaside City

  • 투고 : 2005.01.16
  • 심사 : 2005.02.17
  • 발행 : 2005.04.30


The purpose of this study is to prepare the way for the prevention and improvement of the ocean environment pollution and destruction by researching and analyzing the degree of interests in the ocean environment which the students of seaside vocational high schools have. The concerns of this study are as follows: 1. The vocational high school students in the seaside cities of Busan and Pohang have recognized that the ocean is the object of the highest potential of development and that through the degree of their recognition that they should better preserve the ocean environment prior to a high degree of local seaside development. 2. Although they have recognized that the ocean environment has a great influence on the life of people, their interests in the environment is low. Also, it is shown that they get their knowledge and information through TV. 3. They've understood that the main factor of ocean contamination concerns the home and the causes of ocean contamination are sewage and waste material from daily life. Moreover, their answers reveal that they believe that they should participate in a sanitization activity for the ocean environment voluntarily and put trash into nearby trash cans as opposed to inconsiderately throwing away trash on the beach. 4. Their answers also show that they recognize the elements that can best preserve the ocean environment start at home and with government, and school services through experience activities are the most effective for the education of the ocean environment.



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