Journal of Korean Elementary Science Education (한국초등과학교육학회지:초등과학교육)
- Volume 24 Issue 5
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- Pages.571-582
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- 2005
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- 1598-3099(pISSN)
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- 2733-8436(eISSN)
Primary School Teachers' Interest and Understanding of Bioethical Issues and Bioethics Teaching
생명윤리와 생명윤리교육에 대한 초등학교 교사의 인식 조사
- Park Inok (Seoul National University) ;
Park Jeeyoung
(Seoul National University) ;
Cho Eun Hee
(Chosun University) ;
- So Kyung-Hee (Seoul National University) ;
Kim Heui-Baik
(Seoul National University)
- Published : 2005.12.01
This study aims to examine primary school teachers' interest and understanding of bioethical issues, and to analyze their perception of bioethics teaching in the primary school education. For this purpose, the questionnaires were constructed. The data were collected from 553 primary teachers in the whole country. Major findings of the studys are as follows. First, most primary school teachers showed high level of interest about bioethical issues, but they had the limited understanding about bioethical issues. Primary teachers showed the highest interest about' respect for human life' and the lowest understanding of 'awareness of current biotechnology' Second, the prior reasons why primary teachers wanted to teach specific bioethical issues in the classes were that 'they were closely related to social phenomena' and 'they were appropriate for enhancing students' awareness of the value of life'. Third, the lack of the teachers' knowledge about bioethics and limited supply of teaching materials were found to be barriers, which prevent them from teaching bioethical issues. The implications of these results are discussed for the improvement of bioethics teaching in primary school education.