A Study on the Ordinance on Landscape Composition by Korean Local Government - Focused on the Present State in Comparison with Japanese Local Government -

한국 지방자치단체 경관형성관련조례에 관한 연구 - 일본지방자치단체와 비교고찰을 통하여 -

  • Seo, Ju-Hwan (Environmental Landscape Architecture, Department of Art and Design KyungHee University) ;
  • Park, Dae-Woo (Graduate School of Landscape Architecture KyungHee University)
  • 서주환 (경희대학교 예술.디자인 대학 환경조경) ;
  • 박대우 (경희대학교 대학원 조경학과)
  • Published : 2005.03.25


This study conducted a comparative analysis on ordinances on landscape composition by local governments, which are a part of the policy to activate landscape composition, by examining the cases of Korea and Japan. For the purpose of specialized landscape compositions according to the own characteristics of Korean local governments, this study suggests factors to consider on the enactment of ordinance on landscape composition as follows. First, in order to compose landscape with an unique figure of the local government, it is required to collect and analyze informations about the local landscape, to provide consistent programs of education and publicity related to the landscape composition and to encourage the involvement of local citizens and reward it. Second, the construction of the ordinance needs to build a plan of landscape composition for each district focused on the landscape composition, to introduce a system which enables self-designation of an ordinance, to establish a detailed guidance, to assign the duty to keep the guidance and regulate punishment in case of a violation of the guidance. It could be done by completing the common or basic elements on the construction of the ordinance on landscape composition.



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