Computer Program Development for Probability Distribution

  • Published : 2005.08.31


The purpose of this thesis is to develop and introduce Add-in program which we can systematically, visually and dynamically study discrete probability distribution of binomial distribution, poisson distribution and hypergeometric distribution, and continuous probability distribution of normal distribution, exponential distribution, and the definition and characteristics of t distribution, F distribution and ${\chi}^2$ distribution to be driven from normal distribution, and graphs, the computation process of probability by using VBA which is the device of Excel.



  1. 엑셀에 기초한 통계학 입문 송문섭;조신섭
  2. 사례중심의 통계학 안봉근
  3. Excel을 이용한 실용통계학 입문 윤상운;이태섭
  4. 한국통계학회 춘계학술발표회 논문집 기초통계교육을 위한 통계패키지의 비교 연구 및 엑셀을 이용한 한글 통계패키지의 구현 조신섭;송문섭;이윤모;성병찬;윤영주;이현부
  5. 품질경영학회지 v.27 no.2 기초통계교육을 위한 통계 소프트웨어의 개발 -Excel에 기초한- 조신섭;송문섭;이윤모;성병찬;윤영주;이현부
  6. Journal of the Korean Data & Information Science Society v.15 no.3 The Development of Program for Teaching on Statistical Inference at One Population 최현석
  7. 한국데이터정보과학회, 추계학술발표회논문집 The Program for Teaching on Type I error and Type II error 최현석
  8. Journal of the Korean Data & Information Science Society v.16 no.2 Computer Program Development for Two Populations Inference 최현석;최성우;김태윤
  9. Journal of the Korean Data & Information Science Society v.16 no.2 Computer Simulation Program for Central Limit Theorem 최현석;김태윤
  10. EXCEL을 활용한 통계자료분석 한상태;강현철
  11. Microsoft Excel 2002 Visual Basic Step by Step Jacobson, R.
  12. Excel 2003 Power Programming With VBA Walkenbach, J.
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  14. 시계열연구실
  15. XLSTAT
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