The Sensibility Image by the Property Variables of Dangcho Pattern - Focusing on the Representative Type, Pattern Arrangement, Object of Application, Desire of Purchase and Ages -

당초문양의 특성변인에 따른 감성이미지 - 표현유형, 문양배열, 적용대상, 구매욕구, 연령을 중심으로 -

  • Received : 2005.02.17
  • Published : 2005.04.30


This study was aimed at investigating the relationship between the sensibility image of Dangcho pattern and the pattern composition variables(representation type, pattern arrangement, object of application, desire of purchase, ages). The results obtained are as follows: The sensibility image which is derived from Dangcho pattern was investigated in the property of five dimensions, that is, the property of fascination, elegance, high grade, uniqueness, and correctness. The sensibility image of Dangcho pattern was the significant main effect according to pattern composition variables(representation type, pattern arrangement, object of application, desire of purchase, ages), and was the significant collation effect between each of pattern composition variables. The sensibility image of the Dangcho pattern which had most an influence on degree of preference and desire of purchase was examined by the property of fascination.



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