Implementation of the U.S. Aviation Security Policy and Privacy Protection Problem

미국의 항공보안정책 적용과 프라이버시 문제점

  • 강자영 (한국항공대학교 항공운항학과) ;
  • 김장환 (한국항공대학교 대학원 항공운항학과)
  • Published : 2005.09.30


TSA needs to be more transparent with the new passenger screening system and its functioning to build the citizen trust. The system is needed to be not only effective but supported by Congress and the general public. Until this occurs, skepticism will underlie any discussion about its effectiveness in balancing the protection from terrorism with respect to individual liberties. CAPPS II can be a viable system if it is developed appropriately. The objectives of the study are to introduce the security program in the U.S. aviation security policy and to discuss privacy problems when it applies. Korea also needs to study a harmonious plan with the basis of global approach mind in the case of considering the transferring of passenger information from other states for the purpose of security.
