건널목 개량제도에 관한 고찰

The Study on Highway-Rail Grade Crossings Improvement System in Korea

  • 이순철 (대외경제정책연구원) ;
  • 방연근 (한국철도기술연구원, 철도정책물류연구본부)
  • 발행 : 2005.08.01


In Korea, about 60 percent of railroad accidents are associated with highway-rail grade crossings numbering 1,657 nationwide, which the railroad system operates. To reduce the number of accidents, the authority formulated methods to improve or eliminate grade crossings. However, the improvement programs have made progress in slow time due to the institute inertia and the lack of funds from the municipal government, which shares the cost of improvement of grade crossings. Thus, this study analyses the institute system of the grade crossings, proposes modifications, and suggests financing methods to improve the grade crossings and to lower the number of accidents. Presently, the grade crossings safety perspective is directed towards road conditions and so a new perspective, which includes safety from the train perspective and to finance in review of railway system and to allocate the cost between the central government and the municipal governments. is discussed.



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