Removal Effect of Nitrogen and Phosphorus of Acorus cazamus var. angustatus oil Its Growth Stage and Water-storage Time

생장단계와 체류시간에 따른 창포의 질소와 인 제거효과

  • Seo Byung-Soo (Faculty of Forest Science, Chonbuk National University) ;
  • Park Chong-Min (Faculty of Forest Science, Chonbuk National University)
  • 서병수 (전북대학교 산림과학부 농업과학기술연구소) ;
  • 박종민 (전북대학교 산림과학부 농업과학기술연구소)
  • Published : 2005.03.01


The removal affect of nitrogen and phosphorus were analyzed using a Acorus calamus var. angustatus. The nutrient concentration, growth stage of plants and the storage time of polluted water were considered. The results of this study were as follows: after an hour the content of nitrogen and phosphorus were considerably reduced in the Acorus calamus var. angustatus, while after two-four hours the rate of reduction was extremely low. This situation was the same in the early growth stage, growing stage and highest growth stage of the plant. The removal rate of nitrogen and phosphorus with the Acorus calamus var. angustatus was higher, when these two minerals remained in high levels of water. The Acorus calamus var. angustatus was more effective to remove nitrogen than that of phosphorus. The plant removed the most nitrogen and phosphorus when in the highest growth stage, but this was not clear in the growth stages. The removal rate was higher, in the case of moving polluted water to other plants after two days, than in the case of four days of growth in the same plants.

창포를 이용하여 질소와 인의 농도별, 식물의 생장단계별, 오염수의 체류시간별로 질소와 인의 제거효과를 분석하였던 바, 그 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 체류 1시간 후에 수중의 질소와 인의 함량을 현저히 감소시켰으나, $2\~4$시간 후에는 감소율이 극히 낮았다. 이러한 현상은 식물의 생장초기, 생장기, 생장최성기에서 동일하였다. 수중에 질소와 인의 함량이 많을수록 제거율이 높았고, 인보다는 질소의 제거효과가 크게 나타났다. 생장최성기에 가장 많은 질소와 인을 제거하였고 다음으로 생장기, 생장초기의 순이었으나, 생장단계간의 차이는 극히 작았다. 동일 포트에 4일 동안 체류시킨 것보다 2일 체류 후에 다른 포트로 시험수를 옮긴 것이 질소와 인의 제거율이 약간 높았다.



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