강원도내 주요하천 수계별 목표수질 설정 및 달성도 연구

A Study on the Establishment and Achievement of Target Water Quality by Water System of Major Streams in the Gangwon Province

  • 발행 : 2006.10.31


Since 1985, the Gangwon Institute of Health and Environment(GIHE) and Ministry of Environment have collected rivers and streams water quality data in an ambient surface water monitering program. This study was prepared to propose an achievement of water quality of rivers subject to management by area according to an created level while establishing a water quality level applicable to the Gangwon area. As a result of evaluating correlativity on the BOD-based water quality data, BOD versus TP, and TP versus SS demonstrated significance at a confidence level of 95%. Evaluating correlativity on $10{\sim}90$ percentile values of analyzed data, a coefficient of determination, $r^{2}$ of BOD versus TP, and TP versus SS were 0.625, 0.286 respectively. Grading the results by evaluation method, the representative values of TP were 0.030 mg/l for I level, 0.100 mg/l for II level, 0.200 mg/l for Ill level, 0.300 mg/l for IV level, and 0.350 mg/l for V level, and those of SS were indicated 4.0 mg/l for I level, 15.0 mg/l for II level, 30.0 mg/l for III level, 45.0 mg/l for IV level, and 60.0 mg/l for V level. As for the limiting factor allowing the water quality standard exceeded, BOD posted 61% as the factor was found in 11 places, TP 28%, and SS 33%.



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