한국어 발화 속도의 연령별 증가에 관한 연구 -만 $3{\sim}8$ 세 아동을 대상으로-

Increase in Speaking Rate by $3{\sim}8$-year-old Korean Children

  • 김태경 (한양대학교 인문대학 국어국문학과) ;
  • 장경희 (한양대학교 사범대학 국어교육과) ;
  • 이필영 (한양대학교 국제문화대학 국어국문학과)
  • 발행 : 2006.09.01


This study attempts to suggest a criterion of Korean language development. For this purpose we investigated speaking rates of the spontaneous utterances produced by 144 children, aged 3 to 8. We analyzed each subject's speaking rate and its relevance with speaker's age, gender and utterance length. To determine the relative contributions of variables to the speaking rate, multiple regression was conducted. Results of this study can be summarized as follows: (1) The mean and maximum values of the speaking rate increased with the growth of age. (2) A statistically significant increase in speaking rate appeared at two-year intervals. (3) There was no significant difference between male and female groups in the speaking rate. (4) The multiple regression analysis has shown that along with the speaker's age, the utterance length(the mean number of syllables per utterance) is also important in estimating the speaking rates.
