안전분위기 안전사고의 관계 및 인적요인과 물적 요인의 상호작용효과

The relationship between safety climate and accidents, and personal physical factors interactional effect

  • 발행 : 2006.12.30


Since Zohar(1980) emphasized the influence of social, organizational, and psychological context in occupational safety and health study, the research in this area tends to be emphasizing the influences of personal and physical interaction. With this research trend, this paper is to examine the relationship between safety climate model and safety accident, and the interactional or moderating effect of personal and physical factor on the above relationship. Author conducted a survey to 292 manufacturing workers in construction industry, and the chief results of statistical analysis are as follows 1) management involvement, safety education, precaution activities, and safety system have negative effects on safety accident, 2) a-type personality has interactional effect on safety accident with communication, precaution activities, and safety system. 3) physical job load has interactional effect on safety accident with precaution activities, and safety system.



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