인천광역시 유통 농산물의 최근 3년간의 잔류농약 실태 조사연구

A Survey on the Pesticide Residues on Agricultural Products on the Markets in Incheon Area from 2003 to 2005

  • 전종섭 (인천광역시 보건환경연구원 농산물검사소) ;
  • 권문주 (인천광역시 보건환경연구원 농산물검사소) ;
  • 오세흥 (인천광역시 보건환경연구원 농산물검사소) ;
  • 남화정 (인천광역시 보건환경연구원 농산물검사소) ;
  • 김혜영 (인천광역시 보건환경연구원 농산물검사소) ;
  • 고종명 (인천광역시 보건환경연구원 농산물검사소) ;
  • 김용희 (인천광역시 보건환경연구원 농산물검사소)
  • Jeon, Jong-Sup (Department of Agricultural Products Inspection, Incheon Institute of Public Health and Environment Research) ;
  • Kwon, Moon-Joo (Department of Agricultural Products Inspection, Incheon Institute of Public Health and Environment Research) ;
  • O, Se-Heung (Department of Agricultural Products Inspection, Incheon Institute of Public Health and Environment Research) ;
  • Nam, Hwa-Jung (Department of Agricultural Products Inspection, Incheon Institute of Public Health and Environment Research) ;
  • Kim, Hye-Young (Department of Agricultural Products Inspection, Incheon Institute of Public Health and Environment Research) ;
  • Go, Jong-Myoung (Department of Agricultural Products Inspection, Incheon Institute of Public Health and Environment Research) ;
  • Kim, Yong-Hee (Department of Agricultural Products Inspection, Incheon Institute of Public Health and Environment Research)
  • 발행 : 2006.06.30


2003년부터 2005년까지의 인천광역시에서 유통되고 있는 농산물 총 10,431건의 잔류농약검사를 실시한 결과, 전체수거건수에 대한 부적합비율은 2003년, 2004년, 2005년에 각각 1.3%, 0.9%, 1.2%로 나타났다. 특이한 점은 2005년도에는 대형일반유통업체의 수거비율에 대한 부적합비율의 비가 3.1로서 두 도매시장의 비인 0.9보다 큰 비를 나타냈다. 이 사실은 2005년도의 대형일반유통업체 수거건수가 2003년, 2004년보다 1/5가량 줄었으나 대형일반유통업체의 부적합이 도매시장의 부적합보다 더 많은 빈도로 나타났다고 사료된다. 생산지별 부적합 현황은 2003년과 2004년에는 경기도와 인천시가 전체의 70% 이상을 나타냈으나 2005년도에는 경기도와 인천시가 각각 25.6%와 23.3%를 나타냈다. 2005년도에는 광주, 울산, 충북이 새롭게 나타났다. 최근 3년 동안 부적합이 가장 많이 발생한 농산물은 쑥갓으로 총 23건이었으며, 취나물, 참나물, 상추가 각각 15건, 고춧잎이 13건이었다. 쑥갓 중에 가장 많은 부적합을 나타낸 농약은 diazinon으로 23건 중 7건이 나타났다. 취나물, 참나물, 상추, 고춧잎에서 가장 많은 부적합을 나타낸 농약은 chlorpyrifos였다. 검출된 농약의 종류는 2003년부터 2005년까지 각각 12개, 17개, 32개로 증가하는 추세였고 부적합 농약의 종류도 11개, 13개, 20개로 증가하는 추세였다. 2003년부터 2005년까지 매년 검출되고 부적합이었던 농약은 chlorothalonil, chlorpyrifos, diazinon, endosulfan, procymidone 등이었다. Chlorpyrifos와 diazinon은 검출과 부적합이 해가 갈수록 감소하는 경향을 나타냈다. 그러나 chlorothalonil, endosulfan, procymidone은 2005년도에는 검출만 증가하는 경향을 나타내고 있다.

This survey was done to investigate the pesticide residues on agricultural products on the markets in Incheon area from 2003 to 2005. A total of 10,431 samples was analyzed the residues by GC. The violation rates of the samples over maximum residue limits (MRLs) of pesticide residues established by Korean Food and Drug Administration (KFDA) in the survey of 2003, 2004 and 2005 were 1.3%, 0.9%, and 1.2%, respectively. The rate from the samples of 2005 surveyed in general wholesale markets was 3.1%, whereas that from agricultural wholesale market was 0.93%. Of the total violated samples, more than 70% of the rates were recorded from the samples of Gyeonggi-do and Incheon area in 2003 and 2004. However, the rates from Gyeonggi-do and Incheon in 2005 were remarkably reduced to 25.6% and 23.3%, respectively. Most commonly encountered agricultural commodity over MRLs was crown daisy. Positively detected pesticides were 12, 17 and 32 in the survey of 2003, 2004 and 2005, respectively. The pesticides detected yearly over MRLs during three years were chlorothalonil, chlorpyrifos, diazinon, endosulfan, procymidone. Decreasing tendency in detected and violated rates of the residues was observed in chlorpyrifos and diazinon, while increasing tendency in detected rates was recorded in chlorothalonil, endosulfan, procymidone.



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피인용 문헌

  1. Pesticide residue monitoring in Korean agricultural products, 2003–05 vol.2, pp.1, 2009,
  2. A Survey on the Pesticide Residues and Risk Assessment for Agricultural Products on the Markets in Incheon Area from 2010 to 2012 vol.32, pp.1, 2013,
  3. Monitoring of Pesticide Residues in Vegetables Collected in Chungbuk, Korea vol.26, pp.4, 2013,
  4. Pesticide residues in leafy vegetables, stalk and stem vegetables from South Korea: a long-term study on safety and health risk assessment 2015,
  5. Analysis of Pencycuron in Agricultural Products by Simultaneous Determination vol.17, pp.3, 2013,
  6. Analysis of Diflubenzuron in Agricultural Commodities by Multiresidue Method vol.18, pp.4, 2014,
  7. Monitoring of Pesticide Residues in the Certificated Organic and Pesticide-free Cereals and Root Vegetables vol.16, pp.4, 2012,