Palatoplasty using Furlow's double-opposing Z-plasty has been performed from June, 1995 to September, 1999 at Seoul National University Children's Hospital. The goal of this study is to determine the optimal timing of repair and cleft severity affecting velopharyngeal function. This is the retrospective study of patients operated by the second author. The mean age of patients was 10.53 months. The patients could be divided into three groups-isolated cleft palate(n=70), unilateral cleft lip and palate(n=88), and bilateral cleft lip and palate(n=42). To evaluate the velopharyngeal function, we used two parameters, speech evaluation and cineofluorography using DSR(digital subtraction radiography). Also, to determine the relevance between cleft severity and speech development, we measured the distance between maxillary tuberosities and cleft margins. Among 200 patients, about 96% had no or minimal hypernasality and 87% had no or mild nasal emission. The cleft width and length of soft palate seemed not to be related with the speech development. Palatoplasty at the age under 12 months resulted in less 'nasal emission' and better 'articulation' of the parameters that were assessed at the age of 7 years. It can be concluded Furlow palatoplasty shows satisfactory results and also it seems that it is better to perform the operation before the age of 12 months.