Oxidative Modification of Cytochrome c by Hydrogen Peroxide

  • Kim, Nam Hoon (Department of Genetic Engineering, Cheongju University) ;
  • Jeong, Moon Sik (Department of Genetic Engineering, Cheongju University) ;
  • Choi, Soo Young (Department of Biomedical Science, Division of Life Sciences, Hallym University) ;
  • Kang, Jung Hoon (Department of Genetic Engineering, Cheongju University)
  • Received : 2006.07.27
  • Accepted : 2006.08.24
  • Published : 2006.10.31


Oxidative alteration of mitochondrial cytochrome c has been linked to disease and is one of the causes of proapoptotic events. We have investigated the modification of cytochrome c by $H_2O_2$. When cytochrome c was incubated with $H_2O_2$, oligomerization of the protein increased and the formation of carbonyl derivatives and dityrosine was stimulated. Radical scavengers prevented these effects suggesting that free radicals are implicated in the $H_2O_2$-mediated oligomerization. Oligomerization was significantly inhibited by the iron chelator, deferoxamine. During incubation of deoxyribose with cytochrome c and $H_2O_2$, damage to the deoxyribose occurred in parallel with the release of iron from cytochrome c. When cytochrome c that had been exposed to $H_2O_2$ was analyzed by amino acid analysis, the tyrosine, histidine and methionine residues proved to be particularly sensitive. These results suggest that $H_2O_2$-mediated cytochrome c oligomerization is due to oxidative damage resulting from free radicals generated by a combination of the peroxidase activity of cytochrome c and the Fenton reaction of free iron released from the oxidatively-damaged protein.



Supported by : Korea Research Foundation


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