The current authors performed two-stage ear reconstruction of microtia using autogenous costal cartilage combined with canaloplasty of the acoustic meatus in a team approach. In the first stage, lobule transposition, fabrication of the cartilage framework, and implantation of the framework were peformed. In the second stage, elevation of the auricle, cartilage graft for posterior auricular sulcus, coverage with the mastoid fascia flap and skin graft, and concha excavation were performed. The canaloplasty was combined simultaneously in patients with radiologic and audiometric evidence of cochlear function in the second stage. A total of 36 consecutive patients with congenital microtia were treated from 1998 to 2003. Among them, 27 patients(male: 18, female: 9) ranging from 7 to 43 years old were combined with canaloplasty. The follow-up period was one year to 5 years. Thirteen patients exhibited improved hearing over 30 dB PTA(pure tone average), 9 patients below 30 dB, and 5 patients with no improvement. Complications related to the canaloplasty were chronic drainages of the auditory meatus and meatal stenosis. Lobule type deformity combined with the canaloplasty showed higher complications than concha type. Therefore, in the lobule type, meticulous manipulation is necessary to reduce complications after the canaloplasty.