Protein tyrosine kinase(PTK), protein kinase C(PKC), oxidase, as a mediator, take a significant role in signal transduction pathway of angiogenesis. The authors utilized the inhibitors, targeting the formation of three co-enzyme in signal transduction pathway in order to quantify the suppression of abnormal vascular endothelial cell proliferation induced by DMH, to compare the level suppression in each up-regulated growth factors, CTGF, CYR61, $ITG{\beta}1$, FHL2, and to identify the relationship between abnormal cell proliferation and signal transduction pathway. Five groups were established; Control group, Group of DMH, Group of DMH-mixed Herbimycin, inhibitor of protein tyrosine kinase, Group of DMH-mixed Calphostin C, inhibitor of protein kinase C, Group Of Dmh-Mixed 10U Catalase, Inhibitor Of oxidase. The rise of vascular endothelial cell was compared by MTT assay, and four growth factors were analysed with RT-PCR method, at pre-administration, 4, 8, 12, and 24 hours after administration. In comparison of abnormal proliferation of vascular endothelial cell induced by DMH, suppression was noticed in Herbimycin and Calphostin C group, and Calphostin C group revealed higher suppression effect. Nevertheless, Catalase group did not have any suppression. In manifestation of four growth factors, Herbimycin and Calphostin C group presented similar manifestation with control group, except in $ITG{\beta}$. Catalse group had similar manifestation with DMH group in all four growth factors. Abnormal proliferation of vascular endothelial cell induced by DMH have a direct relationship with PTK and PKC, more specifically to PKC. Oxidase was confirmed not to have any relevance.