Supported by : 충남환경기술개발센터
- R. B. Mallick, M. R. Teto, and W. S. Mogawer, Evaluation of Use of Manufactured Waste Asphalt Shingles in Hot Mix Asphalt, Technical Report, Chelsea Center for Recycling And Economic Development Technical Research Program, Massachusetts (2000)
- P. S. Kandhal, Waste Materials in Hot Mix Asphalt, NCAT (National Center for Asphalt Technology) Report, No.92-6, Alabama (1992)
- D. E. Watson and P. S. Kandhal, Performance of Recycled Hot Mix Asphalt Mixture, NCAT Report, No.95-1, Alabama (1995)
- D. Krivit, Manufacturer Shingle Scrap Recycling, Final Report, Solid Waste Management Coordinating Board, Minnesota (2004)
- D. K. Janisch and C. Turgeon. Minnesota Experience Using Shingle Scrap in Bituminous Pavements, Final Report, Minnesota Department of Transportation, Minnesota (1996)
- P. T. Williams, Waste Treatment and Disposal, 2nd ed. 171, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, Chichester (2005)
- P. A. Vesilind, Introduction to Environmental Engineering, 402, PWS Publishing Company, Boston (1997)
- 한국자원리싸이클링학회, 리사이클링백서, 181, 문지사, 서울 (1999)
- D. I. Hanson, K. Y. Foo, and T. A. Lynn, Evaluation of Roofing Shingles in HMA, Technical Report, NCAT, No. 97, Alabama (1997)
- G. W. Steele, C. E. Antle, and D. A. Anderson, Hot Mix Asphalt Laboratory Model Proficiency Sample Program, Technical Report, National Research Council, Washington (1994)
- 한국표준협회, 스트레이트 아스팔트, KS M 2201 (2002)
- 한국표준협회, 점도 분류에 의한 도로포장용 아스팔트, KS M 2208 (2002)
- 한국표준협회, 역청재료의 침입도 시험 방법, KS M 2252 (1987)
- 홍영호, 아스팔트슁글의 분리특성, 환경관리학회지, 12, 139 (2006)