Dietary Macronutrients and $VO_{2}$ by BMI among Female College Students in Seoul

서울지역 여대생의 BMI에 따른 영량 영양소와 산소섭취 실태

  • Lim, Jae-Yeon (Department of Food and Nutrition, College of Natural Sciences, Seoul Women's University) ;
  • Na, Hae-Bok (Department of Food and Nutrition, College of Natural Sciences, Seoul Women's University)
  • 임재연 (서울대학교 자연과학대학 식품영양학과) ;
  • 나혜복 (서울대학교 자연과학대학 식품영양학과)
  • Published : 2006.02.01


This study was conducted to investigate dietary macronutrient and $VO_{2}$ by BMI The subjects consisted of 50 female college students. They were divided into three groups: Below BMI 18.5 kg/$m^{2}$ (n = 9), BMI 18.5 - 23 kg/$m^{2}$ (n = 28), above BMI 23 g/$m^{2}$ (n = 13). Health-related questionnaires, dietary macronutrients, macronutrient compositions, food frequency questionnaires, body compositions and $VO_{2}$ were studied. Macronutrient compositions that macronutrient intakes were expressed by the percentage of daily energy intakes. There were significant differences in body fat, percent of body fat, and fat distribution by BMI Also, significantly increasing of basal metabolic rate (BMR) was shown by BMI, but BMR per body weight was decreased by BMI Overall, there were no significant differences in health-related questionnaires, food frequency questionnaires (FFQ), dietary macronutrients and $VO_{2}$ by BMI but salty taste preferences and carbohydrate intakes, FFQ of beans, white vegetables rand, yellow-green vegetables in the above BMI 23 g/$m^{2}$ group were significantly higher than other groups. There were no significant differences in macronutrient composition but the lipid composition of subjects was shown above $20\%$. Also, energy intakes of subjects were shown to be low; especially the below BMI 18.5 kg/$m^{2}$ group was very low ($55\%$ of RDA). Significantly positive correlation was found in BMR and body composition such as skeletal muscle & lean body mass, but significant correlation was not found in BMR and dietary macronutrients. Overall, researched energy metabolism factor was not different by BMI Only in the BMI 18.5 23 kg/$m^{2}$ (normal) group, significantly positive correlation was found in $VO_{2}$peak and body fat oxidation. Therefore, proper nutritional education for female college students is needed in order to improve their obesity-related health. Moreover, a nutritional survey method of finding diverse factors that affect their health should be developed to meet various needs.



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