몽골인의 남자 관모에 관한 연구 - "집사(集史)"를 중심으로 -

A Study on the Mongolian Male Headgear - focused on Jip-Sah -

  • Kim, Mi-Ja (Dept. of Clothing Science, Seoul Women's University)
  • 발행 : 2006.01.30


Ten types of male headgear-Kwonwoonkwan, crown-like headgear, hats with a square flap, hats with feathers, crowns with plumes, Ballip, hats with flat crowns, Somo, turban, and fur hats-were described in Jip-Sah, which was published in the 14th century. Mongolian people used summer headgear, winter hats, and crown ornaments, which had been used until the Ch'ing dynasty of China. From the late 12th century to 1304, the headgear styles remained the same, suggesting that the Mongolian people kept their tradition. Kwonwoonkwan, crown-like headgear, and Somo, presented in Jip-Sah, were also described in U. Yadamsuren's album, a pictorial depiction of the 20th century Mongolian headgear.



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