Advances in pediatric surgery
- Volume 12 Issue 1
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- Pages.70-85
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- 2006
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- 2635-8778(pISSN)
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- 2635-8786(eISSN)
Necrotizing Enterocolitis - A Survey by the Korean Association of Pediatric Surgeons -
괴사성 장염 - 대한소아외과학회회원 대상 전국조사 -
Lee, Suk-Koo
(Korean Association of Pediatric Surgeons) ;
- Kim, D.Y. (Korean Association of Pediatric Surgeons) ;
- Kim, S.G. (Korean Association of Pediatric Surgeons) ;
- Kim, W.K. (Korean Association of Pediatric Surgeons) ;
- Kim, I.K. (Korean Association of Pediatric Surgeons) ;
- Kim, S.Y. (Korean Association of Pediatric Surgeons) ;
- Kim, S.C. (Korean Association of Pediatric Surgeons) ;
- Kim, J.E. (Korean Association of Pediatric Surgeons) ;
- Kim, J.C. (Korean Association of Pediatric Surgeons) ;
- Park, K.W. (Korean Association of Pediatric Surgeons) ;
- Park, W.H. (Korean Association of Pediatric Surgeons) ;
- Seo, J.M. (Korean Association of Pediatric Surgeons) ;
- Song, Y.T. (Korean Association of Pediatric Surgeons) ;
- Oh, S.M. (Korean Association of Pediatric Surgeons) ;
- Oh, J.T. (Korean Association of Pediatric Surgeons) ;
- Lee, N.H. (Korean Association of Pediatric Surgeons) ;
- Lee, D.S. (Korean Association of Pediatric Surgeons) ;
- Lee, S.C. (Korean Association of Pediatric Surgeons) ;
- Jun, Y.S. (Korean Association of Pediatric Surgeons) ;
- Chung, S.Y. (Korean Association of Pediatric Surgeons) ;
- Chung, S.E. (Korean Association of Pediatric Surgeons) ;
- Choi, K.J. (Korean Association of Pediatric Surgeons) ;
- Choi, S.O. (Korean Association of Pediatric Surgeons) ;
- Choi, S.H. (Korean Association of Pediatric Surgeons) ;
- Han, S.J. (Korean Association of Pediatric Surgeons)
(대한소아외과학회) ;
- 김대연 (대한소아외과학회) ;
- 김신곤 (대한소아외과학회) ;
- 김우기 (대한소아외과학회) ;
- 김인구 (대한소아외과학회) ;
- 김상윤 (대한소아외과학회) ;
- 김성철 (대한소아외과학회) ;
- 김재억 (대한소아외과학회) ;
- 김재천 (대한소아외과학회) ;
- 박귀원 (대한소아외과학회) ;
- 박우현 (대한소아외과학회) ;
- 서정민 (대한소아외과학회) ;
- 송영택 (대한소아외과학회) ;
- 오수명 (대한소아외과학회) ;
- 오정탁 (대한소아외과학회) ;
- 이남혁 (대한소아외과학회) ;
- 이두선 (대한소아외과학회) ;
- 이성철 (대한소아외과학회) ;
- 전용순 (대한소아외과학회) ;
- 정상영 (대한소아외과학회) ;
- 정성은 (대한소아외과학회) ;
- 최금자 (대한소아외과학회) ;
- 최순옥 (대한소아외과학회) ;
- 최승훈 (대한소아외과학회) ;
- 한석주 (대한소아외과학회)
- Received : 2006.03.15
- Accepted : 2006.05.22
- Published : 2006.06.30
A nationwide survey on necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC) was undertaken among members of the Korean Association of Pediatric Surgeons. The members were required to complete a questionnaire and the case registration form for each patient during the three-year period from July 2001 to June 2004. Eighty one patients were included in the questionnaire, but only 71 patients were registered from 22 members in 16 hospitals. At the same time survey on focal intestinal perforation (FIP) was undertaken and 17 patients were registered from 11 members in 10 hospitals. Total 19,041 newborns were admitted to neonatal intensive care unit during the study period. Eighty one patients (17.27 %) were underwent surgery among 469 babies who were managed under the impression of NEC. The male to female ratio was 2.1:1. The premature were 60.6 %. The most common site of involvement was ileum. Overall and operation survival of NEC were 72 % and 79 %, respectively. The survival was lower in smaller babies, multiple segments involvement and involvement of both the small and large intestine. But there was no difference in survival according to sex or prematurity. The FIP showed very similarity with NEC in terms of incidence, and the age of diagnosis and operation. But the survival was much better and 100 %. The results showed the clinical characteristics of NEC and the trend of management in NEC in Korea. In the future we hope we can discuss about this topic in prospective manner.
본 조사 결과는 16개 병원에서 21명의 회원에 의해 수술 받은 환자 71명의 기록과 전체 설문응답지의 대상인 81명에 대한 설문 응답지를 후향적으로 분석한 것으로 자료로서의 정확성에 한계가 있으나 괴사성 장염이라는 질병에 대한 회원들의 전체적인 의견과 성향을 파악하는데 만족할 수 있었으며 회원들이 동일한 관심에 대하여 논의하는 과정 중에 각자의 관점을 정리하는 계기가 되었기를 기대한다. 앞으로 첨부한 설문지에 따라 환자마다 전향적으로 기술하여 학회에 등록하여 향후 괴사성장염에 대하여 다시 한번 논의하는 자리를 갖기를 바란다.