Advances in pediatric surgery
- Volume 12 Issue 1
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- Pages.115-125
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- 2006
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- 2635-8778(pISSN)
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- 2635-8786(eISSN)
Anorectal Malformation - Postoperative Care and Functional Results -
항문직장기형 - 수술 후 관리 및 기능적 결과 -
Kim, Jae-Chun
(Division of Pediatric Surgery, Department of Surgery, Chonbuk National University Medical School)
(전북대학교 의과대학 외과학교실 소아외과)
- Received : 2005.10.20
- Published : 2006.06.30
Postoperative management of anorectal malformation consists of colostomy management and then management after definitive surgery. Colostomy management requires attention to certain details, i. e. complete decompression of the distal limb to avoid secondary megarectosigmoid and prevention and treatment of urinary tract infections in patients with rectourethral fistula. Management after definitive surgery requires the care of catheters placed in the rectourethral fistula or cloacal defect. Prevention and treatment of various complications after definitive operation, i. e. wound infection, anal stenosis or stricture, anal mucosal prolapse, and management of functional disorders, i.e. constipation, fecal incontinence and urinary incontinence are also necessary. In this review, recent trends for the prevention and treatment of the above mentioned problems after operation for anorectal malformation are presented.