This study was conducted to determine chemical compounds and antioxidant in Aruncus dioicus. Further, effects of cultural practices such as the shading conditions on the general compounds, essential oils and antioxidants. The chemical compounds and antioxidant activity of edible extracts on the shading cultivation and harvesting time were measured by crude fiber, pigments, higher fatty acids, essential oils and DPPH free radical scavenging ability and activities of SOD and POD in edible shooting parts of Aruncus dioicus. The contents of crude fiber, total chlorophyll and total carotenoids in extracts of edible shooting by shading cultivation and later harvesting were higher than those of non-shading cultivation and early harvesting. Phenolic compounds such as benzoic acid were identified as the aromatic compounds in the edible extracts of Aruncus dioicus. The contents of azulene, benzaldehyde and linalool among those compounds on the cultivation conditions increased in shading cultivation. $IC_{50}$ values of DPPH free radical scavenging activities were high from 6.644 to $14.499{mu}g/m{\ell}$ in extracts of edible parts and those of edible shooting parts was high such as edible shooting cultivated by 60% shading, 30% shading and non-shading, respectively. The activity of POD and SOD in seeds was lower than that of edible shooting and that by shading cultivation was high in extracts cultivated by non-shading. POD activity of extracts on harvesting time was high in earlier harvesting but SOD activity was low. The numbers of isozyme pattern of POD and SOD in seedling showed 7 bands and 3 bands, respectively, especially, bands of POD and SOD in the first year-growing plant did not show and show a difference according to plant positions, respectively.
눈개승마의 총 엽록소, 총 카로테노이드 함량은 무차광에 비하여 차광율이 높을 수록 높았다. 지방산함량은 무차광 재배에 비하여 차광 재배 및 식용 가능시기간의 생육 후기에 감소되었다. 식용가능시기에서의 지방산 종류간의 함량은 oleic acid, palmitc acid, linoleic acid, stearic acid 순으로 높았으며, 무차광에 비하여 차광율이 높을 수록 낮았다. 특히 linoleic산의 함량은 타 지방산에 비하여 차광정도에 따른 함량의 감소율이 매우 높았다. 차광율 및 수확시기간의 휘발성 정유성분의 함량은 차광율이 높을 수록 증가하였고, 초기수확이 높았다. DPPH 소거활성은 $6.64-14.49(IC_{50}\;:\;{\mu}g/m{\ell})$로 항산화 활성이 매우 높게 나타났고 차광정도가 높을 수록 낮았고, 조기 수확 할 수록 높았다. POD 및 SOD 활성은 식물체에 비하여 종자가 매우 낮았고, 무차광에 비하여 차광 재배 시에 증가하였다. POD활성은 식용가능시기의 생육 초기에 비하여 후기에 높았으나, SOD활성은 감소되었다. POD Isozyme band 수는 이식묘의 종자, 잎 및 줄기에서 각 각 6개의 밴드를 나타내었으나, 뿌리에는 없었다. SOD Isozyme band는 송자와 잎에 비하여 뿌리에서 뚜렷하였다.