동적 세그먼트 기반 PCB 패턴의 적응 검사 알고리즘

An Adaptive and Robust Inspection Algorithm of PCB Patterns Based on Movable Segments

  • 문순환 (주성대학 산업시스템경영과) ;
  • 김경범 (충주대학교 항공.기계설계학과)
  • 발행 : 2006.03.01


Several methods for PCB pattern inspection have been tried to detect fine detects in pad contours, but their low detection accuracy results from pattern variations originating from etching, printing and handling processes. The adaptive inspection algorithm has been newly proposed to extract minute defects based on movable segments. With gerber master images of PCB, vertex extractions of a pad boundary are made and then a lot of segments are constructed in master data. The pad boundary is composed of segment units. The proposed method moves these segments to optimal directions of a pad boundary and so adaptively matches segments to pad contours of inspected images, irrespectively of various pattern variations. It makes a fast, accurate and reliable inspection of PCB patterns. Its performances are also evaluated with several images.



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