청소년의 재정적 태도와 소비행동 및 재정만족도

A Study on Financial Attitudes, Spending Behaviors and the Financial Satisfaction of Adolescent Consumers

  • 홍은실 (전남대학교 생활환경복지학과)
  • Hong Eun-Sil (Dept. of Family Environment and Welfare, Chonnam National University)
  • 발행 : 2006.04.01


This paper investigates the causal relationships between financial attitudes, spending behaviors and the financial satisfaction of adolescent consumers. The study used Cronbach' $\alpha$, t-test, one-way ANOVA, Duncan's multiple range test, multiple regression and path analysis for statistical analysis and applied it to 1,252 questionnaires. The results are summarized as follows: Path analysis revealed that the financial satisfaction of adolescents had a direct linear relationship with variables such as grade, sex, financial attitudes. (financial situation compared to past and financial situation compared to others) and types of spending behaviors (planned, conspicuous and excessive). Planned spending behavior was the most influential variable on financial satisfaction. Planned spending behavior had positive linear relationship with the attitude toward the past financial situation. Conspicuous spending behavior had positive linear relationships with the attitudes toward the past financial situation and the financial situation compared to others. However, it showed negative relationship with the attitude toward a future financial situation. Impulsive spending behavior had a positive relationship with the attitude toward others' financial situation. Excessive spending had a positive relationship with the attitude toward a past financial situation but showed a negative relationship to the attitude toward others' financial situation.



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