양육행동에 대한 부모와 청소년의 보고 비교

Agreement between Parent and Adolescent Reports on Parenting Behaviors

  • 임정하 (뉴욕주립대학.소아청소년정신과)
  • 발행 : 2006.06.30


The purpose of the study was to examine the agreement between parent and adolescent reports on parenting behaviors. The participants were 196 father-mother-adolescent triads. Results indicated that there were significant differences in reports of parenting behaviors between parents and adolescents. Generally, parents reported higher respect, disciplines and attention than their adolescents did. However, there were low to high agreements between parental report and adolescent report on parenting behaviors. The degree of those agreements varied by adolescent's developmental stage, birth order and mother's education. The findings suggested that differences in agreements between parent and adolescent reports on parenting behaviors might not be random and the agreements should be addressed in terms of specific sample characteristics.



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