Types of Teacher Efficacy among Secondary School Home Economics Teachers

중등학교 가정과교사의 교사 효능감 유형에 대한 연구

  • Kim, Yu-Jeong (Dept. of Practical Art Education, Daegu National Univ. of Education) ;
  • Shin, Sang-Ok (Dept. of Home Economics Education, Chung-Ang Univ.)
  • 김유정 (대구교육대학교 실과교육과) ;
  • 신상옥 (중앙대학교 가정교육과)
  • Published : 2006.05.30


The purposes of this study are to identify the types of teacher efficacy, to present a theoretical base for teacher efficacy among Home Economics teachers and subsequently, to improve the quality in the practices of home economics education. To achieve these purposes, 263 secondary school home economics teachers were surveyed by the prime investigator. The three research questions of this study were: 1. What are the individual characteristics, the environmental characteristics and the trends of teacher efficacy among secondary school home economics teachers? 2. What is the factor in teacher efficacy among secondary school home economics teachers? 3. What are the types of teacher efficacy among secondary school home economics teachers? For these research questions, factor analysis and cluster analysis were conducted. The factor analysis on teacher efficacy with a survey of secondary school home economics teachers produced 5 factors of efficacy: classroom management, needs assistance, instructional strategies, environmental assistance and teaming assistance. The teacher efficacy had a mean of 3.58 and the home economics teachers showed a slightly higher level in teacher efficacy. Of the 5 efficacy factors, classroom management showed the highest level (M=3.89), followed by learning assistance (M=3.81), instrumental strategies (M=3.57), environmental assistance (M=3.42) and needs assistance (M=3.19). Overall, the teachers had positive feeling in teacher efficacy. Three types of teachers were found in the types of teacher efficacy: the supreme, the average and the efforts-needy. Those types were identified based on the mean scores of the five sub-domains from the factor analysis. To enhance the teacher efficacy, the needs assessments for the students and behavioral adjustment issues should be reflected in the curriculum of teacher education and workshops. The primary investigator suggested that continuous and long-term plans for teacher education need to be developed because short-term plans may not be effective in changing attitudes such as teacher efficacy.



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