Feminizing Trends on Men's Knitwear in the 21st Century - Focusing on the Metrosexual and Crossexual -

21세기 남성 니트웨어에 나타난 여성화 경향 - 메트로섹슈얼과 크로스섹슈얼을 중심으로 -

  • 김경인 (한성대학교 패션디자인전공)
  • Received : 2006.02.28
  • Published : 2006.08.31


In the 21st century, men is expressing the femininity instead of the muscularity. And a boundary line between a man and a woman is not clear any more. A man is interested in the lifestyle of a woman, and he imitates her fashion styles, hairstyles, accessories, make-up, and plastic surgery. He is called as "Metrosexual" or "Crossexual". Nowadays, men as well as women can satisfy the wants for beauty. The beautiful appearance of a man has a good impact on the social relationships. The feminizing trends are generally accepted and are shown in the silhouettes, details, colors, fabrics and accessories. The feminizing trends in men's knitwear are shown in the various items. They have slim silhouettes and feminine details. Also they are made of bulky yarns or fancy yarns, and various stitches for texture effects. The most outstanding changes in men's knitwear are the vivid colors and flower patterns.



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