A Numerical Study on the Ground Effect of a Circular Cylinder in the Presence of a Moving Wall

이동벽면에 의한 원형 실린더의 지면효과에 관한 전산연구

  • 정재윤 (한국항공대학교 대학원 항공우주 및 기계공학과) ;
  • 장조원 (한국항공대학교 항공운항학과)
  • Published : 2006.12.31


A computational study was carried out in order to investigate the ground effect of a circular cylinder in the presence of a moving wall at a Reynolds number of 2.0${\times}$104. The viscous-incompressible Navier-Stokes equations and Spalart-Allmaras turbulent model of the commercial CFD code were adopted for this numerical analysis. The moving wall was set parallel with the freestream, and the speed of motion was equal to the freestream velocity. The gap ratio is defined as the distance ratio between the circular cylinder diameter and the height from the moving wall. The numerical results show that there are the differences among the each of the stages in evidence of the vorticity contours and the polar diagrams of $C_l$ vs. $C_d$. The 4 stages of the gap ratio are defined according to the flow features, whose stages are divided into small, intermediate, large and convergence gap ratios, respectively.
