Status and Improvement of the Mitigation Option to the Suspended Sediments in Coastal Development Projects - Focused on Silt Protector -

해안개발사업의 부유토사 저감방안의 현황 및 개선방안 - 오탁방지막을 중심으로 -

  • Received : 2006.06.02
  • Accepted : 2006.08.17
  • Published : 2006.10.30


The study investigates the problems of silt protector used for mitigation measure of suspended sediments (SS) during coastal construction and provides their improvements based on the field investigation and analysis of the environmental impact assessment reports for the coastal development projects of Korea. The field investigation along west, east and south coasts of Korea reveals a variety of problems in the installation and management of silt protector solely used for the SS mitigation in Korea. Major problems include installation itself, low cost and quality of silt protector, and maintenance. These problems superimpose the effectiveness of silt protector in mitigating coastal environment impact. The present study provides the specific guideline on the project type needed for the installation of silt protector, installation standard and planning, maintenance and management. The study also suggests new mitigation options such as environmental window to limit the construction period and environmental dredger to compensate for the deficits of silt protector.



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