In this study was performed to analyze quantitatively the number of viable but non-culturable bacteria in the Pine and Quercus forest soil by improved direct viable count (DVC) and plate count (PC) methods. The number of living bacteria of Pine and Quercus forest soil by PC method were less then 1% of DVC method. This result showed that viable but non-culturable (VBNC) bacteria existed in the forest soil with high percentage. Diversity and structure of VBNC bacterial populations in forest soil were analyzed by direct extracting of DNA and 16S rDNA-ARDRA from Pine and Quercus forest soil. Each of them obtained 111 clones and 108 clones from Pine and Quercus forest soil. Thirty different RFLP types were detected from Pine forest soil and twenty-six different RFLP types were detected from Quercus forest soil by HeaIII. From ARDRA groups, dominant clones were selected for determining their phylogenetic characteristics based on 16S rDNA sequence. Based on the 16S rDNA sequences, dominant clones from ARDRA groups of Pine forest soil were classified into 7 major phylogenetic groups ${\alpha}$-proteobacteria (12 clones), ${\gamma}$-proteobacteria (3 clones), ${\delta}$-proteobacteria (1 clone), Flexibacter/Cytophaga (1 clone), Actinobacteria (4 clones), Acidobacteria (4 clones), Planctomycetes (5 clones). Also, dominant clones from ARDRA groups of Quercus forest soil were classified into 6 major phylogenetic groups : ${\alpha}$-proteobacte,ia (4clones), ${\gamma}$-proteobacteria (2 clones), Actinobacteria (10 clones), Acidobacteria (8 clones), Planctomycetes (1 clone), and Verrucomicobia (1 clone). Result of phylogeneric analysis of microbial community from Pine and Quercus forest soils were mostly confirmed at uncultured or unidentified bacteria, VBNC bacteria of over 99% existent in forest soil were confirmed variable composition of unknown micro-organism.
직접 생균수 측정법(DVC)과 평판계수법(PC)을 이용하여 소나무림과 상수리나무림 토양에 분포하는 세균군집의 정량적 평가를 실시한 결과, DVC법에 의해 계수된 생균수에 대해 평판법에 의해 계수된 생균수 1% 미만으로 나타났다. 이상의 결과로부터 산림토양 내에 평판배양법으로는 배양이 곤란한 난배양성(viable but non culturable; VBNC) 세균이 99% 이상 존재해 있는 것으로 판단되었다. 이들 VBNC 세균의 군집구조 해석을 위하여 토양으로부터 직접 DNA를 추출하고 16S rDNA-ARDRA 분석을 통하여 계통학적 특성을 검토하였다. 소나무림과 삼수리나무림 토양으로부터 각각 111 clones, 108 clones을 획득하고 HaeIII 절편양상에 따라 30 groups과 26 groups의 ARDRA group으로 분류하였다. 각 ARDRA group으로부터 대표 clone을 선발하여 16S rDNA 염기서 열을 결정한 결과, 소나무림 토양의 경우 ${\alpha}$-proteobacteria (12 clones), ${\gamma}$-proteobacteria (3 clones), ${\delta}$-proteobncteria (1clone), Flexibacter/Cytophaga (1 clone), Actinobacteria (4 clones), Acidobacteria (4 clones), 그리고 Planctomycetes (5 clone)의 7개의 계통군이 확인되었으며, 상수리나무림 토양에서는 ${\alpha}$-proteobacteria (4 clones), ${\gamma}$-proteobacteria (2 clones), Actinobacteria (10 clones), Acidobacteria (8 clones), Planctomycetes (1 clone), 그리고 Verrucomicrobia (1clone)로 6개의 다양한 계통군이 확인되었다. 이상, 소나무림과 상수리나무림 토양 내에 존재하는 99% 이상의 VBNC 세균군집의 대부분은 미배양성 혹은 미동정균으로 계통학적으로 다양한 미지의 미생물로 구성되어 있음이 확인되었다.