광주광역시 55세 이상 성인의 구강건강영향지수 분석

Assessment of Oral Health Impact Profile among korean adult(55+) in Gwang-Ju

  • 김설희 (조선대학교 보건대학원 보건학과)
  • Kim, Seol-Hee (Department of Health science, Graduate school, Chosun University)
  • 발행 : 2006.03.30


A number of studies are beginning to show that oral disorders can have a significant impact on the functional, social and psychological well-being of adult. The aim of this study was to measure, the Oral Health Impact Profile(OHIP), which has recently been tested in studies of oral health of adult aged 55 years and older. The sample consisted of 380 adults The measure proved to be reliable and valid, while data collected using this measure indicated that oral conditions have negative impact on the daily, this impact was particularly marked among both edentulous and dentulous individuals who did not make regular visits for dental care. The relationship between the OHIP 7 demention compared with the group based on their dental state and age group was statistically Signification(pE0.01) people with denture were more likly to report having many problems in all seven dimention corvered by OHIP scale than those with natural teeth only These results indicated that the OHIP has a negative impact on the daily lives of a substantial proportions of older people. This impact was particularly noticeable among the edentulous and denture wearers.
