Effect of Reduced Frequency on the Flow Pattern of Pitch Oscillating Elliptic Airfoil

피치 진동하는 타원형 에어포일의 환산주파수가 날개 주위 유동패턴에 미치는 영향

  • 이기영 (공군사관학교 기계공학과) ;
  • 정형석 (공군사관학교 항공우주공학과) ;
  • 손명환 (공군사관학교 항공우주공학과)
  • Published : 2006.12.29


The purpose of this paper is to examine the dynamic stall characteristics of an elliptic airfoil when subject to constant pitch motions. In this study, which was motivated by the pressing need for a greater understanding of the reduced frequency$({\kappa})$ effects on flow patterns of elliptic airfoil, the various reduced frequencies were considered. The result confirms that the reduced frequency has a profound effects on the flow patterns. The increase of ${\kappa}$ accelerate the separation bubble bursting process up to ${\kappa}=0.10$, then diminish with further increase in ${\kappa}$. Compared with static condition, the dynamic pitching airfoil delays stall angle approximate $4{\circ}{\sim}5{\circ}$ during pitch-up stroke for ${\kappa}=0.10$. Results from this qualitative analysis provided valuable insight Into the control of dynamics stall.



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