Use of products containing phytoecdysteroid (PE) as active principle has become popular in prominent sericultural areas of India for hastening larval maturation events and synchronizing cocoon spinning activities as an obvious advantage is assured. At times, the present recommendation of administering PE at the onset of spinning results in peak labour requirement at odd hrs. To enable making recommendation for the use of PE on $multi{\times}bivoltine$ silkworm hybrids based on the climatic conditions prevailing in different areas especially with regard to temperature, the experiment was taken up to determine proper treatment times so that the induced spinning will be more orderly and the labour can be leveraged more efficiently. Different brackets of low ($18-22^{\circ}C$), medium ($24-28^{\circ}C$) and high ($29-32^{\circ}C$) temperature were simulated during the latter half of V larval instar and cocoon spinning. PE was administered to $multi{\times}bivoltine$ silkworm ($BL67{\times}CSR101$) hybrid batches as per the recommended dose at three different times viz., 10 am, 4 pm and 10 pm. Three replicates of 100 larvae were maintained for each treatment. Absolute controls were also maintained in each temperature range to compare the results. Cumulative maturation percentage was recorded at 6 hrs interval to ascertain peak mounting span. The influence of the treatment on the cocoon traits also was studied. Based on the peak mounting span, it was evident that in low temperature 10 pm treatment would be better. In medium and high temperature, treatment at 4 pm proved to be a better option. The influence of the treatment times at different temperature range on labour management is discussed.