광양항 동측배후단지 2단계 사업지구 상징공원 및 수변공원 설계

A Design for the Symbol Park and the Waterfront Park for the Second Stage Development in the Eastern Rear Complex of Gwangyang Harbor

  • 발행 : 2006.08.01


The eastern rear business complex of the Gwangyang Harbor (second stage) has undergone the 'alternative bid' process by which a construction company is selected based on their suggestions for an alternative plan and the bid for the construction expenses is based on the previously completed original plan, thereby implicitly accepting the arrangement and scale of the park which was presented in the original plan. It is possible, however, that the concept and plan of each park needs to be approached in a new way within the extent of given design guidelines. This study focuses on the alternative plan process and the Symbol Park (the second neighborhood park) and Waterfront Park (the third neighborhood park) among the five neighborhood parks in the eastern rear business complex (second stage). These two parks provide scale and function for the structure of the park and greenways system at the eastern rear complex. The neighboring waterway is a significant resource for emphasizing the pre-development features of the site. The alternative plan process focuses on determining the resources for the park's plan based on the environmental analyses of the site and utilizing the results. That is, through an analysis of the current state, all available resources are determined and the facilities and activities are derived based on these results. By this, Symbol Park and Waterfront Park reflect the regional features of the eastern rear complex, and these parks will feasibly perform the role of the region's key parte. The limit of this study is the fact that there is no chance for landscape architecture to actively play a role in the creation of the master plan, land utilization plan, and plan for the complex. Therefore there is a problem that the function scale and location of the park are not distributed appropriately in the rear complex. Also the plan for protecting the waterway's shore, a significant resource, only considers the structural stability of the engineering works, degrading the visual and ecological quality. These experiences will be used as a case for further designing the industrial complex and for the resulting park plan.



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