일부 근로자의 운동행위 변화단계에 영향을 미치는 요인

Factors Effecting to the Stage of Change for Exercise on the Workers

  • 서기순 (혜천대학 간호과) ;
  • 이동배 (충남대학교 의과대학 예방의학교실)
  • Seo Gi-Soon (Department of Nursing, Hyechon College) ;
  • Lee Dong-Bae (Department of Preventive Medicine, College of Medicine, Chungnam University)
  • 발행 : 2006.03.01


Objective: This study was performed to identify the related factors of change affecting the stage of change, on the assumption that there are various stages of change in the exercise behavior of workers. Method: The subjects of the study consisted of 138 workers of 10 workplaces located in Daejeon City, and data collected by using questionnaires were analyzed with SPSS/WIN 11.5 program. Results: The subjects were distributed in the stage of exercise behavior change as follows: precontemplation stage(10.9%), contemplation stage(22.5%), preparation stage(41.3%), action stage(8.7%), and maintenance stage(16.7%). Of the process of change depending on the stage of exercise behavior change, the consciousness raising(F=11.50, p=.00), dramatic relief(F=2.82, p=.02) showed significant difference in the cognitive process, and the counter conditioning(F=4.56, p=.00), reinforcement management(F=4.64, p=.00), self-liberation(F=9.46, p=.00), and stimulus control(F=13.28, p=.00) showed significant difference in the behavioral process. For decision-making depending on the stage of exercise behavior change, both the pros of decision-making(F=9.23, p=.00) and the cons of decision-making(F=2.45, p=.04) showed significant difference. Self-efficacy depending on the stage of exercise behavior change showed significant difference as F=11.50, p=.00. The related factors of change affecting the stage of exercise behavior change were the pros of decision-making, the cons of decision-making, and self-efficacy including 34.1% R-square. Conclusion: In order to change the exercise behavior of workers positively, they need to be stimulated to use the cognitive and behavioral process in the process of change properly, and to be induced to make a decision positively. And also exercise programs suitable to various characteristics of each worker as well as those of workplaces to enhance self-efficacy need to be applied after being devised. Through the further longitudinal research, it is necessary to analyze the various aspects, such as groups to select, to maintain, to stop or give up the exercise, and to avoid the change, and to study how the related factors of change affect diversity like the above.



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