Modification of C2,3,23,28 Functional Groups on Asiatic Acid and Evaluation of Hepatoprotective Effects

  • 발행 : 2007.06.20


For the development of novel hepatoprotective agents, C2, C3, C23 and C28 functional groups on asiatic acid were modified, and the prepared compounds were evaluated for their hepatoprotective effects. Among the prepared compounds, 9, 13 and 16 showed significant hepatoprotective activities against CCl4- and galactosamine (GaIN)-induced hepatotoxicity. Especially, compound 9 showed the most significant hepatoprotective effects against GaIN-induced hepatotoxicity (66.4% protection at 50 μM) and moderate hepatoprotective activities against CCl4-induced hepatotoxicity (20.7% protection at 50 μM).



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