고속철도시스템의 기술이전을 통한 철도산업발전 방안

A Study on the Development Countermeasure of Railway Industry through Technology Transfer of Train System

  • 이희성 (서울산업대 철도전문대학원) ;
  • 강태원 (서울산업대 철도전문대학원, 한국철도시설공단 강원지역본부)
  • 발행 : 2007.12.31


고속철도시스템 기술도입은 관련 철도산업을 발전시키고, 타 산업에 파급효과를 주어 철도기술을 동반 발전시켰다. 이에 고속철도시스템의 기술 도입시의 기술이전 및 국산화과정을 검토하고, 기술이전 및 국산화과정에서 나타난 문제점을 분석하였다 그리고 철도시스템 기술을 유지 및 확대하기 위하여 기술이전을 통한 철도산업발전방안이 검토되었다.

This paper suggests that the introduction of Seoul-Pusan High Speed rail system makes related railway industry to be developed through transfer of high technology and other related industries to be jointly grown by technology' ripple effects. Technology transfer and localization implementation process in the period of technology introduction was reviewed synthetically and problems at that period was also analyzed. And technology development countermeasures of railway industry was discussed in order to maintain and expand railway system technology in the future.



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