세계화 시대의 한국 산지촌에 관한 이론연구

A Study on the Theory of Mountain Village Region in Korea of Globalization Age

  • 오남현 (미국 아이와 주립대학교)
  • 발행 : 2007.12.30


The propose of this paper is to study a theory on the research of mountain village region in korea of globalization age. The theory of this study is over-depopulation region study, endogenous regional development theory and resident organization, localities and new regional studies The case of over-depopulation region study, which population and land use of mountain village region due to urbanization and industrialization are changed by external factors. However, the case of some region is changed by internal factors of community residents. The endogenous regional development theory and have approached by investment policy of authorities of the mountain village region development and resident organization. The development of mountain village region have to described simultaneously both behavior strategy of community residents and investment policy of the authorities. According to localities and new regional studies, which agricultural products of mountain village region is extended to big-scale city by the progress transportation-communication and globalzation So, the research of mountain village region have to explained together intra with inter region. In the future, the research of mountain village region has to described all of case of over-depopulation region study, endogenous regional development theory, localities and new regional studies.



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