Journal of Korean Elementary Science Education (한국초등과학교육학회지:초등과학교육)
- Volume 26 Issue 5
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- Pages.489-498
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- 2007
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- 1598-3099(pISSN)
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- 2733-8436(eISSN)
Beliefs of Elementary Pre-service and In-service Teachers about Science and Science Education
초등학교 예비 교사와 현직 교사의 과학 및 과학 교육에 관한 신념
- Kim, Jung-Min (Kongju National University) ;
- Yeau, Sung-Hee (Ewha Womans University) ;
Shim, Kew-Cheol
(Kongju National University)
- Published : 2007.12.31
This study focuses on surveying and examining the beliefs of elementary pre-service and in-service teachers about science and science education. The instrument consisted of 21 items about science and science education on a 5-Likert scale(score range from 1 to 5). The one contained science knowledge and scientific invention, and the other contained science teacher, learning science and science learning and teaching. Data were collected from 76 pre-service and 96 in-service elementary teachers(24 male and 148 female). The elementary pre-service and in-service teachers had higher level belief about that science knowledge should be acquired by sequential scientific process, the beliefs of in-service teachers was more explicit than those of pre-service teachers. They had beliefs to educate learners by providing scientific joyfulness and sequential scientific process. But, in-service teachers had difficulties to perform scientific process-based activities. It is necessary to provide scientific experiences to understand the nature of science in pre-service and in-service programs.