- B. Vogel, Down for the Count: A Prison Library Handbook(Metuchen : The Scarecrow Press, 1995), p.43
- M. LeDonne, 'The Role of the Library in Correctional Institution,' In Library and Information Services for Special Groups, ed. by Joshua I. S.(Science Associate/International Inc. 1974), p.268
- Vibeke Lehmann, Prisoners' Right of Access to the Courts: Law Libraries in U.S. Prisons(60th IFLA General Conference - Conference Proceedings, August 21-27, 1994), p,2
- Mark S. Cacho, 'Inmate Access to Legal Resources and Materials: How do we provide inmates access to the courts ?,' LJN Exchange(2004), p.21
- M. LeDonne, 'Survey of Library and Information Problems in Correctional Facilities: A Prospective Review,' Library Trends Vol 26, No.1(Summer 1977), p.58
- Stephen M. Mallinger, The Information Needs of Inmates and the Prison Library(IFLA General Conference, Tokyo, 1986), p.9
- Jay M. Ihrig, 'Providing Legal Access,' in Libraries Inside: A Practical Guide for Prison Librarians ed. by Rea Joyce Rubin and Daniel S. Suvak(McFarland & Company Inc, 1995), p.203
- Miller, R. T., 'Standards for Library Services to People in Institutions,' Library Trends, Vol.31, No.1(Summer 1982), pp.113-14
- 김증한 등편, 법률학사전(서울 : 법문사, 1999), p.575
- H.B. Eisenberg, ‘The Long Arm of the Library: Prison Law Collections,’ Wilson Library Bulletin. No.51 (February, 1977), p.517
- Kenneth C. Haas, and Geoffrey P. Alpert., ‘American Prisoners and the Right of Access to the Courts,’ pp.65-87, in The Amerian Prison: Issues in Research and Policy. ed. by Lynne Goodstein and Doris Layton Mackenzie(New York : Plenum Press. 1989). p.85
- 田中英夫 편, 英美法辭典.(東京: 東京大學出版會. 1991). p.402
- Kenneth C. Haas, and Geoffrey P. Alpert., 'American Prisoners and the Right of Access to the Courts,' pp.65-87, in The Amerian Prison: Issues in Research and Policy. ed. by Lynne Goodstein and Doris Layton Mackenzie(New York : Plenum Press. 1989). pp.66-67
- M. LeDonne, 'The Role of the Library in Correctional Institution,' In Library and Information Services for Special Groups, ed. by Joshua I. S.(Science Associate/International Inc. 1974), p.250
- Kenneth C. Haas, and Geoffrey P. Alpert., 'American Prisoners and the Right of Access to the Courts,' pp.65-87, in The Amerian Prison: Issues in Research and Policy. ed. by Lynne Goodstein and Doris Layton Mackenzie(New York : Plenum Press. 1989). p. 81
- Kenneth C. Haas, and Geoffrey P. Alpert., 'American Prisoners and the Right of Access to the Courts,' pp.65-87, in The Amerian Prison: Issues in Research and Policy. ed. by Lynne Goodstein and Doris Layton Mackenzie(New York : Plenum Press. 1989). pp. 65-66
- H.B. Eisenberg, 'The Long Arm of the Library: Prison Law Collections,' Wilson Library Bulletin. No.51 (February, 1977), p.514
- Vibeke Lehmann, Prisoners' Right of Access to the Courts: Law Libraries in U.S, Prisons(60th IFLA General Conference - Conference Proceedings, August 21-27, 1994), p,3
- Joseph L. Gerken, 'Does Lewis v. Casey Spell the End to Court-Ordered Improvement of Prison Law Libraries?,' Law Library Journal, Vol.95, No.4 (Fall 2003), p.493
- J. B. Jacobs, Individual Rights and Institutional Authority,(The Bobbs-Merrill Co. Inc. 1979), pp.195-196
- C. Macleod.. 'Prison Law Libraries and You,' Library Journal Nov.1(1972), p.3540
- O. J. Werner, 'Law Libraries for Correctional Facilities,' Library Trends, Vol.26, No,1 (Summer 1977), p.72
- O. J. Werner, 'Law Libraries for Correctional Facilities,' Library Trends, Vol.26, No,1 (Summer 1977), p.81
- Vibeke Lehmann, Prisoners' Right of Access to the Courts: Law Libraries in U.S, Prisons(60th IFLA General Conference - Conference Proceedings, August 21-27, 1994), p,2
- ACLU(American Civil Liberties Union), Law Libraries & Access to the Court
- Joseph L. Gerken, 'Does Lewis v. Casey Spell the End to Court-Ordered Improvement of Prison Law Libraries?,' Law Library Journal, Vol.95, No.4 (Fall 2003), p.492
- Rebecca Trammell, 'Out of Bounds,' AALL Spectrum, Vol.2, No.1 (September 1997), p.11
- Mark S. Cacho, 'Inmate Access to Legal Resources and Materials: How do we provide inmates access to the courts ?,' LJN Exchange(2004), p.19
- Bill analysis for SB 2059 Prison Law Library
- M. LeDonne, 'Survey of Library and Information Problems in Correctional Facilities: A Prospective Review,' Library Trends Vol 26, No.1 (Summer 1977). p.270
- M. LeDonne, 'Survey of Library and Information Problems in Correctional Facilities: A Prospective Review,' Library Trends Vol 26, No.1 (Summer 1977). p.195
- The City of New York Department of Correction, Law Library Operations, 1986, p.1
- Vibeke Lehmann, Prisoners' Right of Access to the Courts: Law Libraries in U.S, Prisons(60th IFLA General Conference - Conference Proceedings, August 21-27, 1994), p.3
- Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Department of Corrections, Access to Provided Legal Services, 2004. p.8
- Vibeke Lehmann, Prisoners' Right of Access to the Courts: Law Libraries in U.S, Prisons(60th IFLA General Conference - Conference Proceedings, August 21-27, 1994), p.4
- IFLA, Guidelines for Library Services to Prisoners(IFLA, 1995)
- C. Macleod.. 'Prison Law Libraries and You,' Library Journal Nov.1(1972), p.3540
- M. LeDonne, 'The Role of the Library in Correctional Institution,' In Library and Information Services for Special Groups, ed. by Joshua I. S.(Science Associate/International Inc. 1974), p.288, p276
- H.B. Eisenberg, 'The Long Arm of the Library: Prison Law Collections,' Wilson Library Bulletin. No.51 (February, 1977), p.517
- O. J. Werner, 'Law Libraries for Correctional Facilities,' Library Trends, Vol.26, No,1 (Summer 1977), pp.84-85
- O. J. Werner, 'Law Libraries for Correctional Facilities,' Library Trends, Vol.26, No,1 (Summer 1977), p.87
- AALL moderated listserv on Law Library Services to Prisoners, 6-10 Jan, 2003, moderated by Madeline Herbert, p.89
- O. J. Werner, 'Law Libraries for Correctional Facilities,' Library Trends, Vol.26, No,1 (Summer 1977), pp.72-74
- Jay M. Ihrig, 'Providing Legal Access,' in Libraries Inside: A Practical Guide for Prison Librarians ed. by Rea Joyce Rubin and Daniel S. Suvak(McFarland & Company Inc, 1995), pp.196-197
- U. S. Department of Justice Federal Bureau of prisons, BOP Program Statements, *544.100 (
- Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Department of Corrections, Access to Provided Legal Services, 2004. p.1
- U. S. Department of Justice Federal Bureau of prisons, BOP Program Statements, *544.10 (
- The City of New York Department of Correction, Law Library Operations, 1986, p.1
- Vibeke Lehmann, Prisoners' Right of Access to the Courts: Law Libraries in U.S, Prisons(60th IFLA General Conference - Conference Proceedings, August 21-27, 1994), p.5
- AALL moderated listserv on Law Library Services to Prisoners, 6-10 Jan, 2003, moderated by Madeline Herbert, p.111
- AALL moderated listserv on Law Library Services to Prisoners, 6-10 Jan, 2003, moderated by Madeline Herbert, p.111
- U. S. Department of Justice Federal Bureau of prisons, BOP Program Statements, *544.101 (
- C. Macleod.. 'Prison Law Libraries and You,' Library Journal Nov.1(1972), p.3540
- Jay M. Ihrig, 'Providing Legal Access,' in Libraries Inside: A Practical Guide for Prison Librarians ed. by Rea Joyce Rubin and Daniel S. Suvak(McFarland & Company Inc, 1995), p.54
- H.B. Eisenberg, 'The Long Arm of the Library: Prison Law Collections,' Wilson Library Bulletin. No.51 (February, 1977), pp.514-517
- J. B. Jacobs, Individual Rights and Institutional Authority,(The Bobbs-Merrill Co. Inc. 1979), p.195
- C. Macleod.. 'Prison Law Libraries and You,' Library Journal Nov.1(1972), p.3542
- O. J. Werner, 'Law Libraries for Correctional Facilities,' Library Trends, Vol.26, No,1 (Summer 1977), p.76
- U. S. Department of Justice Federal Bureau of prisons, BOP Program Statements, *544.11f (
- The City of New York Department of Correction, Law Library Operations, 1986, p.4
- Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Department of Corrections, Access to Provided Legal Services, 2004. p.8
- National Sheriffs’ Association, Standard for Inmates' Legal Rights, 1974
- J. B. Jacobs, Individual Rights and Institutional Authority,(The Bobbs-Merrill Co. Inc. 1979), p.199
- C. Macleod.. 'Prison Law Libraries and You,' Library Journal Nov.1(1972), p.3541
- H.B. Eisenberg, 'The Long Arm of the Library: Prison Law Collections,' Wilson Library Bulletin. No.51 (February, 1977), p.516
- H.B. Eisenberg, 'The Long Arm of the Library: Prison Law Collections,' Wilson Library Bulletin. No.51 (February, 1977), p.517,J. B. Jacobs, Individual Rights and Institutional Authority,(The Bobbs-Merrill Co. Inc. 1979), p.202
- 田中英夫 편, 英美法辭典.(東京: 東京大學出版會. 1991). p.385
- Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Department of Corrections, Access to Provided Legal Services, 2004. p.11
- U. S. Department of Justice Federal Bureau of prisons, BOP Program Statements, *543.15b (
- AALL, Law School Clinics Serving Prisoners, 2004
- AALL moderated listserv on Law Library Services to Prisoners, 6-10 Jan, 2003, moderated by Madeline Herbert, pp.103, pp.108
- C. Macleod.. 'Prison Law Libraries and You,' Library Journal Nov.1(1972), p.3544
- O. J. Werner, 'Law Libraries for Correctional Facilities,' Library Trends, Vol.26, No,1 (Summer 1977), pp.72-74
- The City of New York Department of Correction, Law Library Operations, 1986, pp.9-10
- H.B. Eisenberg, 'The Long Arm of the Library: Prison Law Collections,' Wilson Library Bulletin. No.51 (February, 1977), p.515
- Vibeke Lehmann, Prisoners' Right of Access to the Courts: Law Libraries in U.S, Prisons(60th IFLA General Conference - Conference Proceedings, August 21-27, 1994), p.4
- Jay M. Ihrig, 'Providing Legal Access,' in Libraries Inside: A Practical Guide for Prison Librarians ed. by Rea Joyce Rubin and Daniel S. Suvak(McFarland & Company Inc, 1995), p.201
- U. S. Department of Justice Federal Bureau of prisons, BOP Program Statements, *543.11i (
- The City of New York Department of Correction, Law Library Operations, 1986, pp.6-7
- O. J. Werner, 'Law Libraries for Correctional Facilities,' Library Trends, Vol.26, No,1 (Summer 1977), pp.72-73
- M. LeDonne, 'The Role of the Library in Correctional Institution,' In Library and Information Services for Special Groups, ed. by Joshua I. S.(Science Associate/International Inc. 1974), p.282
- U. S. Department of Justice Federal Bureau of prisons, BOP Program Statements, *544.11h (
- The City of New York Department of Correction, Law Library Operations, 1986, p.2
- AALL moderated listserv on Law Library Services to Prisoners, 6-10 Jan, 2003, moderated by Madeline Herbert, p.130
- 박 양빈, '수형자처우의 이론' 교정연구, 제7호 (1997), p.18
- 이 호중 등, 구금시설 내 인권침해유형 및 예방지침(서울 : 국가인권위원회, 2003), pp.118-120
- 이 호중 등, 구금시설 내 인권침해유형 및 예방지침(서울 : 국가인권위원회, 2003), p.72