성인 문해교육 기관의 자체 개발 교과서의 내용 제시 방식 분석 연구

An Analysis of Literacy Textbooks for Adult Learners Developed by Adult Literary Education Institutes

  • 투고 : 2007.09.10
  • 심사 : 2007.12.04
  • 발행 : 2007.12.31


This study is to analyze literacy textbooks for adult learners developed by adult literacy education institutes. In the study, six different kinds of literacy textbooks are collected and analyzed on the basis of five evaluation criteria.: unit organization, presentation way of Hangeul, type of content, level of content, and degree of subject integration. The results of literacy textbook analysis are as follows. First, literacy textbooks carry different forms of unit organization in different textbooks. Most textbooks are composed of lessons, without a hierarchical organization of lessons, whereas some textbooks carry a hierarchical structure of 'unit + lessons'. Second, Hangeul is mostly presented in the form of reading and writing and literacy textbooks tend to present Hangeul as constructing letter through combining vowels and consonants rather than as whole language. Third, literacy textbooks contain life-adjustment situations which would help adult learners to lead everyday lives more efficiently. Fourth, literacy textbooks carry different levels of educational content, ranging from 'basic Hangeul' through 'expanded content' to high level of Hangeul writing. Fifth, literacy textbooks appear to integrate educational content from different subjects in order to provide more relevant content for adult learners.



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