인테리어 내장재의 고급감에 관한 시각 및 촉각변수의 수량화 모형 개발

Development of Quantification Models on Visual and Tactile Design Characteristics for the Luxuriousness of Interior Covering Materials

  • 반상우 (서울대학교 산업공학과) ;
  • 윤명환 (서울대학교 산업공학과)
  • Bahn, Sangwoo (Department of Industrial Engineering, Seoul National University) ;
  • Yun, Myung Hwan (Department of Industrial Engineering, Seoul National University)
  • 발행 : 2007.12.31


Affective aspects of design attributes such as color, Pattern, and texture are important to the overall impression and the success of interior products. Among all the interior materials, wallpapers and flooring materials take up largest construction area and they are main components in creating affective impression for customers. This study aims to investigate the relationship between luxuriousness and related affective variables and design elements of wallpapers and flooring materials. The approach consists of 3 steps: (1) selecting related affective features and product design attributes through a literature survey, opinion of expert panel, and focus group interview, (2) conducting evaluation experiments, and (3) developing Kansei models using multivariate statistical analysis and analyzing critical attributes. Evaluation experiment was conducted using a questionnaire made up of 7-point scale and 100-point scale and 30 housewives and 20 interior designers participated in the evaluation experiment. The result of evaluation was analyzed through principal component regression and quantification I analysis. As a result of analyzing the survey data, the relationship between luxuriousness and related affective features and product design attributes was identified, moreover a optimal combination of the design component was identified. Consequently, it is expected that the results of the study would be a basis of the concept of emotion-based design by giving insights about how customers perceive the luxuriousness and suggesting the optimal combination, and providing specific quantitative design guidelines.



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