Present Condition and Preferences on Well-being Elements in Apartments

아파트의 웰빙요소 도입현황과 선호도

  • 최윤정 (충북대학교 주거환경.소비자학과)
  • Published : 2007.02.25


The purposes of this study were to summarize the concept of well-being and well-being apartment, to grasp the present condition of apartments which were introduced with well-being elements, and to find out the consumer preferences on well-being elements for apartment planning. Library and internet surveys were performed to summarize the concept of well-being and well-being apartment and to grasp the present condition of apartments which were introduced with well-being elements. Questionnaire survey was carried out from 2nd to 22nd of June 2005, to investigate the preferences on well-being elements for apartment planning. The respondents were 250 residents who are from thirties to fifties and living in urban area. As results, respondents think that 'living for health of body and mind' about concept of well-being and 'certificated apartments by green building rating system' or 'apartments introduced ecological factor' about concept of well-being apartment. They answered that 'yes' about 'Do you have intention to buy well-being apartment?'. The elements in aspect of complex planning having the preference were revealed that promenade for complex design, ecological garden or walking space for landscape design, outdoor exercise space for outdoor design, and security system for foundation equipment. The elements having the preference in aspect of public facilities were fitness room for sports & health facility and study room for cultural facility. The preferred elements in aspect of building and unit design were roof garden for building design, multi-functional room for unit floor plan, natural surface material for interior surface, ventilation system for indoor environment, control system for home automation, and food waste machine for home electronics.



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