Evaluation of Effects of Real Joint-Operation of Multi-purpose Dams

다목적댐군의 실제 연계운영 효과 평가

  • Kang, Min-Goo (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) ;
  • Lee, Gwang-Man (Korea Institute of Water and Environment, Korea Water Resources Corporation(KOWACO)) ;
  • Cha, Hyung-Sun (Korea Water Resources Corporation(KOWACO))
  • 강민구 ;
  • 이광만 (한국수자원공사 수자원연구원) ;
  • 차형선 (한국수자원공사 강원지역본부 한강유역관리팀)
  • Published : 2007.02.28


In this study, a methodology was developed to evaluate the effects produced in the event of joint-operation of dams from the viewpoint of water use. It was applied to evaluating the actual results of dam operation in the Han River basin. In order to evaluate the effects of real joint-operation in terms of water supply and flow conditions, the methodology used the satisfaction rate of water requirement and the stability of flow conditions at the evaluation site as indicator. In order to evaluate the effects of joint-operation in terms of power generation, the total power generation produced by dams was used as evaluation indicator. Actual operation results were evaluated by comparison of evaluation indicators relating to single dam operation by which the notified mont of water was supplied, as well as to optimization models. Results of actual joint-operation of the Han River basin, from 2001 to 2004, were compared yearly with results from single operation and optimization model; in terms of water supply, the satisfaction ratio of water requirement stood at $94.36{\sim}99.68%$ for single operation, $97.16{\sim}99.90%$ for actual joint-operation, and 100.0 % for optimization model for all four years. The stability of flow condition was evaluated by the coefficient of river regime and coefficient of flow conditions definitely, indicating that flow conditions were more stable in case of actual operation and optimization models than in case of single operation. The actual total power generation was compared with that generated by other operation rules, indicating that the optimization model increased the power generation by $-3.47{\sim}6.54%$ compared with the actual total power generation, and that the single operation decreased the power generation amount by $12.68{\sim}38.94%$ compared with the actual total power generation.

본 연구에서는 댐군을 연계운영할 경우 발생하는 효과를 이수측면에서 평가할 수 있는 방법을 개발하여 한강수계 댐군 운영 실적의 평가에 적용하였다. 개발된 평가방법에서는 용수공급과 유황개선 부분에서 연계운영의 효과를 평가하기 위하여 평가지점에서 필요수량에 대한 충족률과 유황안정도를 평가지표로 사용하였다 발전 부분에서 연계운영의 효과는 댐군에 의해 생산된 총발전량을 평가지표로 사용하였다. 실제 운영실적은 공칭공급량을 공급하는 단독운영과 최적화 모형에 의한 평가지표들과 비교하여 평가되었다. 한강수계의 2001년부터 2004년까지의 실제 연계운영 실적을 단독운영과 최적화 모형의 결과와 각 연도별로 비교해 보면, 용수공급 측면에서 필요수량 충족률은 단독운영은 $94.36{\sim}99.68%$, 실제운영은 $97.16{\sim}99.90%$, 최적화 모형은 4개년 모두 100.0 %를 나타냈다. 댐 운영 방법별로 하상계수와 유황계수를 사용하여 유황안정도를 평가해 보면, 유황이 단독운영 보다 실제운영과 최적화 모형이 더 안정적인 결과를 나타냈다. 실제 총발전량을 다른 운영방법의 결과와 비교해 보면, 최적화 모형은 실제 총발전량 보다 $-3.47{\sim}6.54%$ 증가된 결과를 나타냈으며, 단독운영은 실제 총발전량 보다 $12.68{\sim}38.94%$ 감소된 결과를 나타냈다.



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