Journal of East-West Nursing Research (동서간호학연구지)
- Volume 13 Issue 2
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- Pages.197-207
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- 2007
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- 1226-4938(pISSN)
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- 2671-8448(eISSN)
Development of Nursing Costs by Nursing Activities in Clinical Nurse Specialist
전문간호사 간호행위에 관한 간호수가체계 개발
- Kim, Yoon-Hee (College of Nursing Science, Kyunghee University, East-West Nursing Research Institute) ;
- Lee, Hyang-Yeon (College of Nursing Science, Kyunghee University, East-West Nursing Research Institute) ;
- Han, Sang-Sook (College of Nursing Science, Kyunghee University, East-West Nursing Research Institute) ;
- Shin, Hye-Sook (College of Nursing Science, Kyunghee University, East-West Nursing Research Institute) ;
- Lee, Myung-Hee (College of Nursing Science, Kyunghee University, East-West Nursing Research Institute) ;
- Kim, Sook-Neoung (Kyunghee University East West Neo Medical Center, East-West Nursing Research Institute) ;
- Lee, Hye-Jin (Kyunghee University East West Neo Medical Center, East-West Nursing Research Institute) ;
- Kim, Hye-Sook (Kyunghee University Medical Center, East-West Nursing Research Institute) ;
- Choi, Hyes-Sun (Yeonsei University Medical Center, East-West Nursing Research Institute)
- 김윤희 (경희대학교 간호과학대학, 동서간호학연구소) ;
- 이향련 (경희대학교 간호과학대학, 동서간호학연구소) ;
- 한상숙 (경희대학교 간호과학대학, 동서간호학연구소) ;
- 신혜숙 (경희대학교 간호과학대학, 동서간호학연구소) ;
- 이명희 (경희대학교 간호과학대학, 동서간호학연구소) ;
- 김숙녕 (경희대학교 동서신의학병원 간호과, 동서간호학연구소) ;
- 이혜진 (경희대학교 동서신의학병원, 동서간호학연구소) ;
- 김혜숙 (경희의료원 보험심사과, 동서간호학연구소) ;
- 최해선 (연세의료원 보험심사과, 동서간호학연구소)
- Published : 2007.12.31
Purpose: This study was carried out to deveop nursing costs and to substantiate the application of appropriate activity-based nursing costs for the current clinical nurse specialists. Method: The study sample was a group of 8 home health care team of the tirtiary Hospital in Korea. The data was collected from September 2003 through December 2004. The statistical analysis was done by SPSS PC 11.0 program and calculated mean and the standard deviation. In Lee(2003)'s nursing activity analysis, nursing activities were classified into two major classification, 19 domains and 70 activities. Each activities was calculated using its work validity, physical effort, psychological effort, stress as a intensity, and the necessary time. The simple work costs was calculated the work wage per minute and the necessary time. The work load intensity was calculated using the work wage per minute and the necessary time work load intensity/100. Results: In this study, the work wage was 283 won per minute. The work validity ranged from 2.71-4.00. The highest simple work cost/work load intensity cost was 12,735won/47,374won for research activity, 10,700won/27,499won for bedsore care, and 9,727won/35,114won for deathbed care. The lowest simple work cost/work load intensity cost was 2,123won/2,038won for intramuscular injection, 2,210won/2,166won for hypodermic injection, and 2,210won/1,547won for a application of medicine(or ointment or cream). Conclusions: It revealed that the nursing cost should be considered validity, physical effort, psychological effort, stress as a intensity, and necessary time. Therefore, It is necessary to calculate nursing cost systematically based on activities.